14MHz = 1.1:1
Bonus: 50MHz = 1.7:1(ATU)
I had to add about 100mm to each end to get the SWR down. This means the calculations, or the interpretation of them, was in error. The measurements were made to the centre of the coils which is probably incorrect. When tested at 50Mhz, it was found that the SWR was a useable 1.7:1. I suppose the antenna has a tuneable harmonic.
Contacts made:
Croatia -6dB Poland -15dB Germany -11dB Belarus -12dB France -12dB
Hungary -17dB Croatia(2) -13dB Hungary(2) -11dB (All on FT8)
Spot Reports for 14.074MHz FT8:
The SWR readings achieved were to be expected. This is a single frequency antenna with a comparatively narrow bandwidth. The Inverted V angle was very large, probably greater than 120 degrees. If this antenna was erected outdoors, the performance would be much better. Loft antennas tend to perform a lot worse. It seems to be working very well though and I will keep this antenna on-line for using on a regular basis.
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